My last blog MARY POPPINS RETURNS created some interesting comments from readers. It appears many people agree with me when I said the power of the imagination should never be underestimated.

The latest World Culture Score Index declared people in India, China and Thailand read the most spending on average 10 hours a week with a book. Those in Germany and Britain read for half this time with New Zealanders slightly better readers spending 6 hours a week with a book.


I read a report in the media this week stating children around the world, especially in Europe and Asia are turning to books in increasing numbers (excluding the USA where the percentage has dropped by 5% in the past two years). Educators say young readers are more content and focused than those who spend their time on devices trawling the social media sites for entertainment. Social media also creates competition and jealously when those wanting to show off or impress others, post photos of exotic places, expensive clothes and gourmet meals. Those influenced with these displays of apparent success can feel inadequate. This in turn, leads to feelings of inferiority and taken to a darker extreme, can lead to depression and even suicide.

This brings me back to the power of the imagination and well written stories. I only need to say the name “Harry Potter” for you to know what I mean. I’ve written a number of short stories for young children and I must say, I felt somewhat light headed when creating these fantasies from my imagination. While I was in the world of each story, I had a pleasing feeling of satisfaction and contentment. Time flew by during the creation of each one of them. I also felt my ‘inner child’ was jumping with excitement as the stories unfolded on the screen in front of me. The characters I created were also enriched from the situations I placed them in and the resolutions they came up with. This in turn, gave me inspiring thoughts on conducting my own life.

“Happily ever after” is one of the best known lines in the world of fairytales. This is a reflection of our own desire to live a successful life full of hope and joy, and of course to experience the most powerful emotion in the universe – LOVE! Children’s stories should inspire, uplift and nurture them. They should also create a desire to explore possibilities and learn about human behaviour and of course, to stimulate their own imaginations to motivate them to learn more about life. Children’s stories should also encourage young readers to respect and love animals as well as all those around them.


There are negative aspects to the imagination and unfortunately, stories originating from this dark space, are all too often made into horror films and stories involving violence, murder, drugs and madness.  I went through a period when I watched and read horror stories. It was also at this time, I felt adrift and lost. It was before I understood how vibration frequencies affect our lives. Knowing how they work, I now stay away from this material as the vibration frequency that comes with such negative stories drains your energy and can make you feel depressed and down. Some people claim horror stories are fun but beware, involving your mind with dark stories for too long has adverse consequences. Filling the minds of millions of people with this stuff on an ongoing basis is, in my opinion, one of the causes of so much unhappiness in the world.

People who like dark stories will say material such as Mary Poppins is for the feeble minded and the very young. I suggest they take a look at such soul enriching stories then discover how uplifted they feel at the end of them. Positive vibrations from such stories produce positive results. Positive results leave the reader/viewer with a warm feeling and a sense of wellbeing. In other words, stories with positive messages featuring loving characters who resolve life issues without harming others have a positive impact on us and that has to be great for all of us.

I’m so pleased Mary Poppins has returned to stimulate my imagination in a way that will leave me with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. Who knows, I might even go and fly a kite!

Ceidrik Heward

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