Archives for April 2018


“After walking over a mile, we came in sight of the White Terrace, and here language fails to describe its beauties. Fancy a mountain of snow glittering in the sunshine and huge cups and basins shaped in fairylike forms, always running over with water of the most marvellous blue.” so wrote Louise Sise to a friend on the 17th June 1886.


Louise was in the last tour group to see the famed Pink and White Terraces at Rotomahana in the central North Island. The young Dunedin tourist was deeply affected by the awesome beauty of nature’s exquisite handiwork. So were artists and photographers who travelled from Europe to stand speechless in front of them. English artist, Henry Bates sat down to sketch the terraces, “but after a few minutes, I gave up the idea, it would be impossible to do anything like justice to it. I believe the greatest painters in the world could not do so. To describe it is equally impossible it is almost too beautiful for the world.” read more