Archives for 2021


There are over 1,200 Steiner Waldorf schools and close to 2000 Kindergartens in 75 countries, making it the largest alternative education movement in the world. As well as this, there are also 500 ‘special education centres’ in 40 countries who teach the Steiner way. 11 Steiner Waldorf schools currently operate in New Zealand, the first opened in Hastings in 1950.


Rudolf Steiner believed combining standard educational practices with spiritual development, led to more rounded students with a developed awareness that would benefit all society. The cultivation of pupils’ imagination and creativity in ways that serve their developmental needs is a strong focus in Steiner lessons. Individual teachers and schools have a great deal of autonomy in determining curriculum content, teaching methodology, and governance – a vast difference to the mechanical, teach-by-rote used in standard western child education. read more