In the first few decades of the 20th century, after 50 years of back breaking land development ,the young colony of New Zealand was finding its feet and building basic settlements into more permanent towns. The hard working population began to demand more comfort at a time when the cinema was becoming a major entertainment for the average person. In America, the uncomfortable, tatty little nickelodeons were unable to cope with the increasing audience numbers.
Nickelodeon Early 1900s
Although the world’s first full length feature film was made in 1906, it wasn’t until the resounding success of D.W. Griffith’s epic, Birth of a Nation in 1915, that the feature film had truly arrived for American audiences. Prior to this, films were short “one or two reelers” with basic storylines at best. Now that a real story could be told in a movie, unprecedented possibilities for mass entertainment could be developed.
Ceidrik Heward is an Amazon TOP SELLING AUTHOR and has lived and worked in 7 countries working as a TV cameraman, director and film tutor. For the past 17 years he has focused on writing and has been published in magazines and newspapers in Europe, USA, Asia and the Middle East.
His interests include photography, psychology and metaphysics. He loves to read and always has at least 3 books on the go. He has written 22 manuals/books and has just completed his 4th short novel. Ceidrik believes sharing information and stories is the best way to stimulate the imagination and enrich our lives.