Archives for September 2016


Parris Goebel

Like Kiwi teen superstars Lorde and Lydia Ko (I’ve highlighted both in previous blogs) New Zealand born Samoan, Parris Goebel is also a remarkable success story. Parris has a solid build, not what we are used to with top professional dancers but to watch her move is indeed mesmerising.

Parris Goebel (

Parris was born, and still lives in South Auckland where the majority of the city’s Pacific Island people can be found. I’ve worked with Samoans in both Samoa and New Zealand and can honestly say, they are a reserved people and not keen on being the centre of attention. Parris Goebel is different, very different! When you see her on television either being interviewed, teaching or dancing, it is very obvious Parris is no introvert. She admits to being comfortable with who she is and the confidence she possesses has allowed her to reach for the stars and grab them with both hands. read more