Archives for August 2019


When I was at primary school in Dunedin, I converted a small shed in my parent’s backyard into a cinema. I dropped flyers into letterboxes around the neighbourhood advertising the films I would screen the following Saturday. These were usually Laurel and Hardy, Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin comedies. The weekly screenings soon became very popular and I had to run a number of sessions each Saturday to cater to the crowds of kids who lined up to see the show.

At this time, I also used to cycle to a number of cinemas across the city to collect film posters. I ended up with a few hundred of them from the small front-of-house ones featuring a still from the film to the larger ones that were exhibited in display cabinets on the walls of the cinema’s foyer but unfortunately, while I was living in England, my parents destroyed them thinking I didn’t want them any longer. (some would be quite valuable today) read more